Poor people of Bangladesh are mainly deprived of proper medication. It is found in a survey that on an average there is one medical practitioner for 5000 people. This ratio is one medical practitioner to 15000 people in rural areas which results poor medical facilities/services in the villages. IMPB has taken steps in this sector.
To provide medical facilities and medication in the rural areas of Bangladesh, IMPB has procured two microbus and then converted these to mobile units with a total cost of Tk. 1000000.00. On regular basis, IMPB is making camps in the rural areas of Dhaka and Sylhet with Doctors, Nurses, and medicines.
IMPB has a plan to procure 4 more Mobile medical vans to provide medical services to remote areas.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to procure 4 more medical van @ USD 14000 (Taka 800000).
Project Cost:
USD 56000 ( Taka 3200000.00)
Medical facilities available in public and private sector in Bangladesh are not at all sufficient. Though the medication cost in Government hospitals are very low but the capacity of these units are very much meager in comparison to the need. As such private medical centers are coming up but unfortunately the service charges are beyond the reach of the poor.
IMPB has established 1 40 bed hospital in Dhaka in the name Madani Hospital to give best possible medical services to the poor free of at affordable cost.
The hospital is equipped with
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to establish a complete pathological laboratory.
Project Cost:
USD 110000 ( Taka 6000000.00)
Poor people in the remote areas in Bangladesh get very poor medication because of absence of Government/Private medical facilities. Moreover, whatever facilities available around is also expensive and time consuming. It is observed that a large number of people in the villages are suffering from various diseases about which either they are ignorant or they do not have enough money to undergo treatment.
IMPB has taken initiatives to make eye camp on regular basis to help the poor dwellers of the village in screening the eye diseased patients, diagnose the diseases, give free medication, doing CATARACT operation making arrangement with the authority in the near by Government health centers, refer the complicated patients to the renowned doctors in the cities, etc.
To operate a mobile screening campaign in different parts of the country for identification and the arranging operation for CATARACT or even other necessary ailments, cost will include a mobile medical van, a pick-up truck for carrying tables, chairs or other accessory itemsWhere your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to buy mobile opthalmology facilities.
Project Cost:
USD 26000 ( Taka 1500000.00)
2. House Building Repair:
Flood, storm, etc are very common in Bangladesh. As the poor dwellers can not even manage to earn their livelihood for day to day expenses, it is impossible on their part to make necessary repair or rebuild their houses after being destroyed /damaged by these natural calamities. IMPB has built 400 houses for distressed people till to date at a cost of USD 45454(Taka 2500000.00). This donation was received from south Africa.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to construct 500 houses (16*10 @ USD 350 (Taka 20000)) for Islamic theologist and distress people.
Project Cost:
USD 175000 ( Taka 10000000.00)
3. Mosque Construction:
IMPB is planning to build/renovate/repair mosques in selected areas which will act as nucleus of all activities of IMPB local centers. Children and elderly Muslims are going to give Islamic education in these mosques in the morning and evening convenient to them.
IMPB already constructed 5 mosques at a cost of Taka 120000.00 where 500 Muslims can say their prayers. The land for the mosques are donated by the local people.
IMPB is planning to build/renovate/repair 20 mosques in the near future.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to build/renovate 20 mosques (50*30, semi pucca @ USD 5300(Taka 300000)).
Project Cost:
USD 106000 ( Taka 6000000.00)
4. Hand Tube Well Installation:
As there is a scarcity of pure drinking water in the rural areas, various water-born diseases are very common among these people. From a statistic, it is found that 80% of the population drink tube well water, but only 20% use it for all domestic purpose. Despite considerable coverage in water supply, Bangladesh rural areas face a high degree of access of people to safe water. IMPB has taken a plan to install 25 nos. of hand tube well in each of the selected 20 areas through out the country.
IMPB have installed 1500 hand tube well in the period of 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 and the donation received from Lascter.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to distribute and install 1000 hand tube wells @ USD 56 (Taka 32oo).
Project Cost:
USD 56000 ( Taka 3200000.00)
5. Deep Tube Well Installation:
One of the major problem in agriculture sector in Bangladesh is the lack of proper supply of agriculture inputs like high-yield variety seeds, fertilizer, water for irrigation, equipments as well as skilled/trained farmers who have knowledge to use these inputs properly. Out off these inputs mostly needed one is the water for irrigation for cultivation then in a year the farmers can grow three crops instead of one.
As such IMPB is planning to install few deep/shallow tube well in the selected areas where water for irrigation will be supplied free of cost to the poor farmers. The cost of each shallow tube well Taka 4 Lac and each deep tube well will be taka 6 Lac. We are planning to install 10 shallow tube well and 10 deep tube well in selected 20 areas through out the country.
IMPB has installed one shallow tube well in Gafargaon district through which 100 families are benefited.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to install 6 deep/shallow tube well in Bangladesh @ USD 7000 (Taka 400000).
Project Cost:
USD 42000 ( Taka 2400000.00)
6. She Goat Distribution:
Goat is very useful and profitable animal. It has got fewer problems, high breeding nature and less expanses in nourishing. IMPB is planning to donate one she-goat to each distressed people, especially to divorces and women whose husbands are dead.
IMPB is planning to donate 10000 she-goat to the distressed families within the first year who in turn donate their first goat kid to another 10000 distressed families within the first year and this donation process will continue.
IMPB has distributed 700 goats so far and the donation received from the Bengali population of Senderland, especially from expatriates of Sylhet.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to distribute 2000 she goats through out Bangladesh @ USD 14 (Taka 800).
Project Cost:
USD 28000 ( Taka 1600000.00)
7. Agricultural Inputs Distribution:
Proper harvesting is not possible if the farmer could not get agriculture inputs like seeds, fertilizers etc. under this circumstances, this poor farmer finding no way, usually go to moneylender, NGOs, Missionaries to lend money with a very high interest. Subsequently this interest multiplies to such a huge amount that these poor farmers could not pay back the loan amount by selling their immovable properties.IMPB has been operating a program to distribute the agricultural inputs to the poor farmers as well as to give interest free loan with soft repayment terms.
IMPB has served 325 families with various agricultural inputs like fertilizer, seeds, animal for ploughing their land for cultivation, etc.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to give financial assistance to the 200 poor farmer families in Bangladesh.
Project Cost:
USD 18000 ( Taka 1000000.00)
8. Circumcision:
Statistics show that around 40% of the poor Muslims community can not afford cost of medical for circumcision and eventually some of them remain uncircumcised. As you know that mental and physical chastity is the most essential part of Islamic belief and circumcision is one of the important Sunnah, which teaches and gives opportunity to the male Muslims to keep them clean as required by Islam. IMPB is planning to give assistance to the poor parents who are unable to get the circumcision done to their male children.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB has taken a plan to provide financial assistance to 1000 male children for circumcision purpose.
Project Cost:
USD 8620 ( Taka 500000.00)
9. Warm Cloth Distribution:
The poor people of this country has to pass their days with half naked situation because they could not buy clothing for themselves. Especially in winter their suffering is beyond any limit. To help the poor people, IMPB has taken a program to distribute quite and used cloths to the distressed people in the winter regularly.
IMPB has distributed second hand quilt and used clothes 5000 in numbers to the poor during the last winter.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs fund to procure warm cloths to distribute among poor people of Bangladeshs.
Project Cost:
USD 18000 ( Taka 1000000.00)
10. Qurbani:
Eid-ul Adha or Qurbani is a celebration of the sacrifice Hazrat Ibrahim(AS) made, when, called upon by Allah(SWT), he did not flinch from sacrificing his son Hazrat Ismail(AS). What our Lord intended was not the sacrifice of Ismail but a test of obedience of His prophet.
Eid is indeed a occasion of generosity, feasting and hospitality. But spare a thought for countless millions, for whom a small quantity of meat is remote possibility to bring joy to thousands of poor and needy people in the rural areas of Bangladesh.
IMPB has organizes over 500 Qurbanies in Bangladesh till last Eid. With your kindness and generosity we are planning many more in the coming years.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB is planning to organize 1000 qurbanies (a goat @ USD 26 (Taka 1500) & a cow @ USD 123 (Taka 7000)) in the coming Eid-ul-Adha.
Project Cost:
USD 35000 ( Taka 2000000.00)
11. Sanitary Toilet Construction:
As there is not enough arrangement for sanitary toilets, people very often use open yard for the natural calls, which polluted the environment very easily. In the rural areas for absence of covered toilets, female suffers most. The latest statistics on sanitation shows that about 34% people have sanitary latrines. Still today 2000 metric tons of human excreta are deposited every day in the open environment and 110000 children under 5 die of diarrhea each year.
IMPB by now donated 50 latrines and the donation received from Muslim brothers of Gloucester, UK.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB has taken a plan to donate and construct 1000 sanitary latrines @ USD 35 (Taka 2000).
Project Cost:
USD 26000 ( Taka 2000000.00)
12. Relief Distribution:
Bangladesh is a land where majority of people are poor and distressed, which is also regularly affected by natural calamities like storms, flood, drought, famine etc. IMPB has planned to keep volunteers with medical teams along with an emergency fund to help the victims in the need of time.
IMPB has distributed USD 35000(Taka 2000000.00) to the flood stricken people till to date.
Where your generosity will help!!!
IMPB needs a emergency fund to purchase relief materials as and when require.
Project Cost:
USD 35000 ( Taka 2000000.00)
Bank Information
A/C Name: Islahul Muslimeen Parishad
STD A/C No: 010213100000610
Bank: Premier Bank
Branch: Gulshan, Dhaka
2. Bkash A/C: 01915662566
Sala'h | Begins | Jama'ah |
Faja'r | 04:49 | 05:30 |
Zuhr | 11:45 | 01:15 |
Asr | 03:44 | 04:15 |
Maghrib | 05:23 | 05:27 |
Isha | 06:38 | 07:30 |