Bangladesh is one of the least developed countries of the South Asian Subcontinent. Nearly 85% of the people of this country are dwelling in the rural areas. Agriculture is the key to rural power as well as the cause of rural poverty. With the growth of population the arable land of the country is getting fragmented into smaller plots as the number of shares within the families increase. The sm
We will be ministering to orphans and street children
Every year we have arranged Eid Gift Program for the poor people.
By this program, a boy wii become a Hafez of Holy Quraan.
In Widow Shelter Center, the widows get living facilities.
Bangladesh is one of the world's most densely populated countries with about 160 million people, 26% of whom live below the national poverty line of US $2 per day. In the month of holy Ramadan of each year, there are many poor and helpless people in Bangladesh, who perform their Sawm in Ramadan with a little or without food. Realizing this miserable situation, Islahul Muslimeen Parishad Bangla
Background : After a month long fasting of holy Ramadan, there are many distressed poor in Bangladesh, who celebrate Eid barely with a little or without food and cloth. Realizing this Islahul Muslimeen Parishad Bangladesh initiated this programme to share Eid by presenting them Eid Gift packs since 2001. The Eid Gift Pack will include food items and dresses. Objectives 1
Eid-ul Adha or Qurbani is a celebration of the sacrifice Hazrat Ibrahim(AS) made, when, called upon by Allah(SWT), he did not flinch from sacrificing his son Hazrat Ismail(AS). What our Lord intended was not the sacrifice of Ismail but a test of obedience of His prophet. Eid is indeed a occasion of generosity, feasting and hospitality. But spare a thought for countless millions, for whom a smal
By this program, we arrange mass marriage among poor the young people without dowry. We have marriage arranged about 1500 marriages till to date.
Every Muslim has eternal wish to take part in Hazz. But most of them cannot afford the Hazz expenses due to proverty. We have arranged Hazz Programme for about 30 Muslim brothers/sisters till to date.
We have arranged " Wheel Chair" programme for disable person. Islahul Muslimeen has distributed about 5000 wheel chairs among the people who has walking disability.
We have started this programme for disable people . Under this programme, about 25 person has gone through successful prosthetic leg surgery till to date.
Islahul Muslimeen has providing treatment facilities for the children who are cleft lipped. We have given proper treatment around 120 cleft lipped children.
In winter season, children & elderly person suffers a lot. Many people died due to freezing cold. We have distributed 1 lac 25 thousands warm winter clothes among the poor & needy people.
Poor people in the remote areas in Bangladesh get very poor medication because of absence of Government/Private medical facilities. Moreover, whatever facilities available around is also expensive and time consuming. It is observed that a large number of people in the villages are suffering from various diseases about which either they are ignorant or they do not have enough money to undergo treat
By this program, many young man has established in the society. Around 400 young person has become successful in their life till to date.
By this program, many woman have developed their economic conditions & bought solvency in their life. Around 300 young woman has become successful till to date.
As there is a scarcity of pure drinking water in the rural areas, various water-born diseases are very common among these people. From a statistic, it is found that 80% of the population drink tube well water, but only 20% use it for all domestic purpose. Despite considerable coverage in water supply, Bangladesh rural areas face a high degree of access of people to safe water. IMPB has taken a pla
As there is not enough arrangement for sanitary toilets, people very often use open yard for the natural calls, which polluted the environment very easily. In the rural areas for absence of covered toilets, female suffers most. The latest statistics on sanitation shows that about 34% people have sanitary latrines. Still today 2000 metric tons of human excreta are deposited every day in the open en
This program is aimed for building a Mosque in the remote area. We have established about 18 Mosques till to date.
This program has initiated for reconstructing or repairing of old Mosques in the remote areas. About 100 Mosques has reconstructed & repaired till to date. IMPB is planning to build/renovate/repair mosques in selected areas which will act as nucleus of all activities of IMPB local centers. Children and elderly Muslims are going to give Islamic education in these mosques in
We have taken goat distribution program for rehabilitation of widow for their better lives.
We have distributed about 2,50000 trees among those people who were interested for tree plantation till to date.
We always distribution emergency relieves at the time of natural disaster like sidor, cyclone, tornado, flood etc. We have distributed necessary relieves among 5 lac people till to date.
This program has intended for making home for homelessness people. We have made new home for 800 families till to date.
We have given interest free loan among those people who were interested for starting a business. We have distributed this interest free loan among 200 people till to date.
We have donated scholarship among 100 meritorious & poor students for their better educational life till to date.
We have distributed goats as a sign of sodka among 10 thousands people who are poor as well as orphan.
We always distribute mutton of akika among the poor & needy Muslim brothets & sisters.
We always arrange free sweing training program for those who are educated & hard working. After competing this training they can earn & can give financial support for their family. About 2 thousands female has successfully complete this training till to date.
Natural Disasters is very common in Bangladesh. Every year hectors of crops are damage by these disasters. We have distributed varity of seeds & fertilizers among the helpless farmers till to date.
Natural Disasters like flood, cyclone etc is very common in our country. Every year hundreds of boats, nets are damage by these disasters. We have distributed 1000 boats, 1000 nets among helpless fishermen & capitals among 50 fishermen till to date.